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Planned for the end of November, the release of Ecat‘s new version promises some interesting news and features for a better usability of the application and a boost in communication tools.

Here are the main implementations:

ECAT Electronic Catalogue: the communication to the user about news and information it’s now easier, more intuitive and faster. With the new management of the home page banner the user is now always updated about corporate news, which are always available and usable. All the information at a glance!

ECAT Electronic Catalogue: we introduce the new chat, implemented for live interaction with your suppliers. The communication is quicker, faster, more efficient and more effective. Let’s stop calls and e-mails that expand interaction periods. The communication is here and now!

ECAT Electronic Catalogue: WOW Search is landed on Ecat too! After the success in MIA, we implemented our WOW Search also on our catalogue, that now is smarter. The system now understands and interprets what the user is searching to give him more precise and useful results.

ECAT Management Console: through the console, the administrator can ease the researches of the users on e-commerce websites linked with Ecat. We created a dedicated area for the search tags creation, to enlarge the range of product identification words.

ECAT Management Console: the product search in console area is easier and faster. The application now allows the product search through more EAN codes too.

For more information, feel free to contact us!